Saturday, April 17, 2010

Astroblog: Wait! Mercury Has a Tail (and an astreoid occultation)#links

Fellow blogger Ian has a nice explanation of the how we can see Mercury's Sodium Tail using the STEREO A and B space craft . It's all to do with the angles and timing. Read on here....
Astroblog: Wait! Mercury Has a Tail (and an astreoid occultation)#links

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Comet Catalina C/2009 O2

This comet is now passing rapidly through STEREO HI1A FOV. This is a small movie of this faint comet traveling upper right to lower left. Approx Mag is 14 +/- 1 as the imager sees more to the Red end of the spectrum.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Music of the Spheres

Follow this lnk . . .

GRAS - Deep Space objects

Here are a few efforts at imaging deep space objects using various Global-rent-a-scope( telescopes. I am sure you can recognise most of them, lots o' fun. not as hard as it looks.

Comet 81P Wild via GRAS

This is Comet 81P Wild currently in fine shape. The image is crop of a composite of 5x120sec exposures which have been log scaled to show some of the tail details then set to a green false color.